Services Offered:
We can help you using a blend of these effective non surgical services.
Get started on your recovery journey by booking a session today by clicking here.
Read our 100+ glowing Google Reviews here. All unscripted stories of recovery!
Chiropractic Adjustment
Chiropractic adjustments (aka cracking joints) can be helpful with neck pain, shoulder blade aches, hip pain, lower back stiffness, and sciatica (all under the right circumstances).
While “cracking” your spine can be helpful, we do not need to do this with all of our patients in all conditions. We find people rapidly improve using a blend of mobility, stability, and strength exercises that are fine-tuned to their abilities and need. Back and neck cracking is not mandatory to feel better. 🙂

Active Release Technique (ART)
Active Release soft tissue massage works well in situations where chronic pain has created soft tissue adaptations in the form of “firm tissue.”
While in past years, the medical profession believes Active Release soft tissue mobilization helped break up scar tissue. We now know that is not true. However, this aggressive soft tissue work can produce rapid reductions in pain in certain conditions.
Dr. Gonzales was formally trained in Active Release from 2008-2016, but his certification is not current.

Corrective Exercises
Corrective exercise can be used as a rudimentary way of getting back to the activities you want to do again. Back squatting, running, baseball, soccer, and more often require corrective exercises to get back to full pain-free movement.
You may have already been doing corrective exercises on your own. Still, the magic is how they are coached and the excursion level used in your rehabilitation. Let us teach you the most effective way to make your corrective exercises work for your ache or pain.

The term physiotherapy is sometimes used interchangeably with physical therapy. What is the difference? Professional licenses. Licensed chiropractors can perform the same therapy exercises that we label “physiotherapy.”
At Performance Place, our doctors and interns are excellent coaches in physiotherapy, corrective exercises, Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS), and strength-building exercises.
Physiotherapy can be beneficial with sciatica, lower back, shoulder, knee, and hip pain cases.

Strength Training
Strength-building exercises are used in the last phase of our treatment plans. Building strength requires challenging weights. Challenging weights also challenge our central and peripheral nervous system, which can help reverse engineer movement compensation when appropriately coached.
Stressing the “body’s software” is required to coach painful movement patterns. If you have had pain for more than four weeks, there is a strong possibility your movement patterns need some “re-wiring.”

Most Cases
We Only Use High Reward/Low Risk Treatments
Even Though our Costa Mesa Chiropractor are Not A "Real Doctor" 🙂
No Bone Cracking Required To Feel Good
Dr. Gonzales & Costantino Only Uses Current Evidence-Informed Methods
We accept most insurances, call us to have us check your benefits. (714) 502-4243. If you’re insurance benefit don’t cover your care, don’t worry. We will do our best to keep care very affordable.
To verify coverage you’ll need 3 things: 1) First and Last Name 2)Your insurance card 3) Your birthday
Booking Process:
Our system (Jane) will take you seamlessly through times/ dates that best fit you, digital intake form, and credit card privacy, without the hassle of playing phone/ email tag. A credit card will be required to secure your session, but will only be billed if you do not have coverage. The process takes less than 5 minutes.Â
What We Believe:
Runners deserve to run. We keep your body resilient and your feet moving.
By empowering runners with effective, non-surgical recommendations we’ve seen some amazing results.
Piriformis Syndrome, Hip Flexor Tension & Low Back Pain all become a distant memory, sooner than you ever thought possible. Immediate results should be expected.
We believe in honesty & patient empowerment before all else. You can do this, allow us to guide you.
Real Patient Testimonials
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Way better after 1 session to pain-free running after 10 days!
I am a marathon runner in Orange County and had been frustrated after experiencing injury after injury on my left side over the last 8 months. I came to Performance Place in Huntington Beach a few weeks ago after having experienced hip pain for about 8 months, severe sciatic pain that put my whole left side to sleep for about 3 weeks, which then morphed into severe toe pain.
I got A.R.T done a few times, which alleviated some of the pain, but within a couple weeks I was diagnosed on the same side with sesamoiditis (inflammation of the tendon underneath the big toe) and was told I just needed to aggressively roll out my foot and my hip. I was in so much pain and super frustrated because I kept getting pains on the same side for “no reason”. I couldn’t run properly and couldn’t really even walk properly.
Dr. G reached out to me on Instagram and told me thought he could help me. He believed all of my aches and pains on my left side were related and that if I was willing to come in for an appointment he fully believed he could help me resolve the issue. He spent 2 hours with me in the first appointment and said he thinks the issue was related to a lower back and left hip issue. He gave me a few exercises to do as well as some stretches – all exercises I had never tried before or had tried, but wasn’t doing properly. I made some huge progress the first day and within the next 10 days after being diligent with my exercises, I was running completely pain free!!!
I am SO ecstatic – Dr. G doesn’t treat the symptoms, he gets to the root of the problem. I thought I was going to have to live with the hip pain and the toe pain for good, but I’m happy to report that my pain has completely stayed away and I have zero hip pain for the first time since before my Boston Marathon cycle! I cannot recommend Dr. G enough – he is so thoughtful, he thoroughly follows up with his patients, and he truly cares about helping us get back to what we love doing!!!
– Natalie S. Long Beach, CA

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Piriformis Pain Gone in 2 Days
I’m an avid marathoner and running coach and this past year got to a point where my left hip was extremely achy. I saw several docs who thought it was hip dysplasia, torn labrum, stress fracture, etc. The pain was keeping me up at night and I was in fear that I was causing permanent damage.
After confirming it was none of that through x-rays, I saw Dr. G – who’d already worked with a few of my athletes and produced great results for them. I was hopeful he could help me alleviate the pain and get me healthy enough to chase my marathon goals. After several tests, he confirmed I had a pinched nerve and glute weakness on my left side that worsened it. He gave me a quick, at home remedy – what he calls “first aid” to alleviate the pain. Worked immediately and I felt great within the day. After that, we focused on strengthening my hips, glutes, and core to give me more power and improved form when running.
Since seeing him, I’ve run my fastest 400 m ever and got a 16 second 5k PR with no pain in my hip since my first day seeing him. I’m hoping to run a sub 3 hour marathon this fall and couldn’t even imagine myself attempting it without Dr G’s help. He is AMAZING and I cannot recommend him enough!
– Jessica R. Long Beach, CA

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Hip Flexor & Sit Bone Pain Gone in Under A Week
During the training cycle for my 12th full marathon, I was having pain in my hamstring, hip and glute that was building over time. I dialed back my weekly mileage but after completing the race I could hardly lift my left leg up and had zero hip extension. And the sciatic pain shooting through my leg was unbearable, it kept me from running, sitting for more than 20 minutes, and I couldn’t sleep well.
I saw 3 different doctors who all had different treatments that just alleviated the pain a little bit, but once I ran or sat longer than 20 minutes the pain was back. I went through this for 5 months. I was losing hope, I could only run at an extremely slow pace and it was painful. And that was breaking my heart.
Then my running coach helped me find Dr. Gonzales. Within a few minutes of me explaining where my pain was, how it started, what it felt like, and what aggravated it, Dr G had a working diagnosis and we began in that session to fix the problem. It was a compressed disc in my back pushing down on a nerve. No other chiropractors diagnosed this issue except Dr Gonzales. And it seems tricky to me because my back never hurt. So he showed me 3 simple exercises to help with the pain and they worked.
I immediately felt relief and he advised me to walk/run to get back into running. The run I had a few days after my visit felt like I had a completely new body, the pain was minimal and I had so much range of motion. My hip no longer felt locked and tight. The pain was significantly better. I was also able to sit during meetings at work and I started sleeping better.
I’ve seen Dr Gonzales 3 times and each session is about an hour. He shows me exercises to do, (each visit the exercise is slightly more advanced) and we do them together, and then I record him doing them so that I can refer to the video when I do the exercises on my own. The exercises are challenging but achievable and not things I would know to do to alleviate my pain. I wear gym clothes to our sessions and part of Dr. Gs office is set up like a professional gym.
This doctor is the real deal and I am so incredibly grateful I found him. My life is getting back to normal and I can do the thing I love most again. I am running faster and stronger and happier than I have in the past and I can’t wait to PR my next race!!
– Dawn H. Long Beach, CA