Product Summary

Conquer Runner’s Knee, Patellofemoral Pain, IT Band Syndrome, and More with Our Comprehensive Rehab Guide

This program is designed specifically to address the root causes of knee pain in runners, including Runner’s Knee, Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, IT Band Syndrome, and even Meniscus Injuries. Rather than simply masking the pain, our approach focuses on reducing the workload on painful structures in the knee and normalizing optimal movement mechanics that can handle the forces of running with ease.

Why Do Runners Get Knee Pain?

The two most common culprits of knee pain in runners are:

  1. Contralateral Hip Drop: Weakness or instability in the hip causes the pelvis to tilt, leading to improper knee alignment.
  2. Knee Valgus (Caving In): Poor control of the knee during movement places excessive stress on structures like the IT band, patella, and meniscus.

These dysfunctions are often rooted in weak or underactive core, hip, and foot-ankle muscles, which fail to provide adequate support to the knee.

How Our Program Works

Our rehab guide tackles these underlying issues head-on by:

1. Unloading Painful Knee Structures

  • Carefully designed movements take pressure off irritated tissues, allowing them to heal without unnecessary strain.
  • Specific strategies improve how your knee loads during walking, running, and other activities.

2. Targeting the Root Causes

  • Strengthen the core and hips to combat contralateral hip drop and stabilize the pelvis.
  • Train the foot and ankle to provide a solid foundation for better alignment.

3. Rebuilding Knee Strength and Resilience

  • Gradual reloading of the quadriceps builds strength and enhances the knee’s ability to handle impact forces.
  • Exercises are structured to prevent re-injury by improving muscle balance and joint stability.

The Result? A Pain-Free, Resilient Runner

By addressing the interconnected systems that support the knee, this program doesn’t just alleviate pain—it builds a foundation for long-term injury prevention. Whether you’re dealing with runner’s knee, IT band syndrome, or recovering from a meniscus injury, this guide equips you with the tools to run stronger and pain-free.

  1. Emma Calabrese
    December 10, 2019

    About 8 months ago, I had sprained my knee/hip running, and experienced continuing knee pain for months following the injury. It would stiffen up, crack in pain every time I’d bend it, and limit my ability to exercise. I definitely couldn’t run anymore. On the occasion where I felt like I was feeling better and could run again, I’d just tweak it right back to the original pain. After a while, doing normal, every day activities started to trigger it further. Frustrated, I turned to Physical therapy. The doctor diagnosed me with runner’s knee, and gave me a program of basic stretches to follow for 6 weeks. After about 5 weeks in, I didn’t see much progress. My pain had lessened a bit, but wasn’t entirely gone. I was concerned that I would never get back to running.

I had reached out to Dr Gonzales on social media a while back about my issue, and he was so kind to recommend this guide to me.

    This guide contains very descriptive information about knee/hip issues. It taught me that my knee pain wasn’t just coming from my knee, but from the muscles and nerves surrounding it (such as the back and/or hips). The guide puts you though a series of exercises and stretches that focus on hip, pelvis/core, and back strengthening.

    After following the guide for JUST ONE WEEK, I had felt such a difference. Not only in my knee, but also in my hips and back! It relieved tightness that I didn’t realize I had. After about the third day into the guide, I attempted a 10 minute run and HAD NO DISCOMFORT AT ALL. I’m very happy I finally have the confidence to start moving again, and excited I have the appropriate exercises to do for my longterm goals. Thank you for this guide!

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